I began my first session with Revage 670 Laser Hair Therapy 15 months ago. I was having overall hair loss but was most concerned with the receeding forehead areas. I thought there was no hope to stop further hair loss since I am in my 60′s, diabetic, and had seen this same hairloss in my mother when she was my age. I didn’t want a surgical hair transplant nor looked forward to wigs for the rest of my life. When I started the laser hair treatment in addition to applying monoxidil I could see results within the first month. Immediately the big hair loss stopped and within 2 months I had regrowth in my balding spots! Over the year, treatment times became more spaced out and I really thought I would start losing hair again. But this never happened and my new hair growth was not all gray! I am very satisfied with my results and am happy to share them with other people seeking true results. – Revage